A Site Where Public documents and information can be shared.
e-mail us at foilyonkers@verizon.net with your questions, or send us the FOIL's you would like to share with others.
I am writing to you today to ask that you please consider voicing your support for the proposed Struever Fidelco Cappelli (SFC) project next month, as we anticipate the project will come before the City Council. The Council is scheduled to meet Tuesday, April 8, 2008 and Tuesday, April 22, 2008 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 4th Floor, 40 South Broadway. On the day of the meeting, it is recommended you call the City Clerk's Office at 914-377-6020 between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to confirm SFC is an item on the agenda and, if that is the case, we would encourage you to sign up as a speaker for that evening.
Most importantly, the City Council is expected to schedule two public hearings on the SFC project the end of April, therefore, we will notify you as soon as these are scheduled with the hope that you will attend these meetings as well. Your attendance at the City Council meetings and the public hearings are vital to moving the SFC project forward and we would ask that you give these meetings priority.
In addition to the above, from time to time other organizations meet, which is the case with the Yonkers Alliance for Community Benefits. For your information, they are meeting to discuss SFC tonight from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Nepperhan Community Center, 342 Warburton Avenue and again on Wednesday, April 2, 2008 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Will Library, 1500 Central Park Avenue.
With your support, we can ensure that Yonkers best days are still ahead!
Thank you for your commitment to our city, and please call Christine Sculti at 377-6085 if you need further information.
----- Original Message ----- From: Peter Klein To: info@sfcyonkers.com Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 7:04 PM Subject: SFC Yonkers Redevelopment Project - We Need Your Help
Thank you for recently completing the SFC survey. Your input is very important in helping us identify key issues in our Yonkers redevelopment project.
The survey showed that residents are most interested in the tax revenue and economic benefits that our project will bring to Yonkers. People want to see more jobs created in the downtown. And when asked how they would vote on the project, most people said YES.
The SFC project needs to be processed thoroughly but without further delay. The City Council should be comprehensive yet swift with its review.
Yonkers cannot afford to miss this opportunity for major private investment in its downtown. We need our approvals in order to get financial commitments for construction of this project. We have prospective tenants who are ready to come to downtown Yonkers but cannot commit without an approved project.
We need your help NOW!
Please call or write to the City Council members and let them know you support the SFC project.
Voicing your support at public meetings is vitally important. Council meetings tend to be dominated by a handful of vocal critics who want to slow down the approval process. Please email us (info@sfcyonkers.com) and let us know if you would be available to speak in favor of the project at a City Council meeting.
Thank you for your continued support. Together, we can move forward with this important revitalization of Yonkers.
Regards, Peter Peter Klein Project Manager Struever Fidelco Cappelli LLC www.sfcyonkers.com
SEND ALL EMAILS TO: info@sfcyonkers.com WHO TO CONTACT Letters to the Journal News (with name and phone) Letters@thejournalnews.com
Council President Chuck Lesnick (914) 377-6060 Chuck.Lesnick@Yonkersny.gov Councilwoman Patricia McDow (1st District)(914) 377-6311Patricia.McDow@Yonkersny.gov Councilwoman Sandy Annabi (2nd District)(914) 377-6312 Sandy.Annabi@Yonkersny.gov Councilwoman Joan Gronowski (3rd District)(914) 377-6313 Joan.Gronowski@Yonkersny.gov Councilman Liam McLaughlin (4th District)(914) 377-6314 Liam.McLaughlin@Yonkersny.gov Councilman John Murtagh (5th District)(914) 377-6315 John.Murtagh@Yonkersny.gov Councilwoman Dee Barbato (6th District)(914) 377-6316 Dee.Barbato@Yonkersny.gov
YonkersTV celebrates it's first birthday. YonkersTV will continue to bring City of Yonkers Government business held in camera, to light, via the lens of YonkersTV. You will find many meetings not televised by City Government, only on YonkersTV. With thousands of Viewers, YonkersTV would like to thank the Google Corporation and Youtube for making this possible. Thank You. For More Videos goto http://www.yonkerstv.blogspot.com/. Pass this link onto your friends and neighbors.
Ethics Board Decision on Mayor's use of Public Funds to Promote his own Political Agenda. The Ethics Board ruled that he cannot use public funds for the purpose of promoting Charter Revision Amendments. (This was one of Dennis Robertson issues in last years Mayoral Election. The Editor of this website would like to know if Dennis was aware of this decision. If he was aware of this before the election why did he not make this known to the public. Why is Chuck Lesnick cutting a deal with Mayor Amicone and okaying the use of public funds to promote these amendments. Why was this done in secret and do both of these men have the authority to spend public funds without apparent public oversight?