February 1, 2007 Dear Ms. Lynch: I was very sorry to hear that the YIDA Board of Directors today approved the below Resolution prior to releasing answers to the important questions and concerns the public raised at the public hearing on this matter. Agenda Item #4: "Approval of Resolution for FC Yonkers (Sales Tax Exemption on Tenant Improvements)" Public release of these questions, and the developer's responses, before a vote would be taken, was promised both at the public hearing by Board member Peter Kischak and Counsel Dennis Lynch, and at the last YIDA Board meeting of January 8, 2007. It was stated that this information would be freely provided without the submission of a FOIL request, and that public dialogue would continue until outstanding inquiries were properly addressed. Regrettably, this did not occur. (In fact, posting an agenda including this item barely 48 hours in advance of the meeting hardly gave interested residents, whose contact information you have via sign-up sheets, sufficient notice. As you are undoubtedly aware, 72 hour advance public notice is required by law for any public meeting that has been scheduled a week in advance). Yonkers residents were hopeful that your appointment as Executive Director of the Yonkers Industrial Development Agency would lead to openness and transparency in the conduct of agency business (which is indeed our, the taxpayer's, business), as intended and required by New York State law. Today's Board action is a major setback in achieving this goal and will only serve to foster public skepticism regarding the legitimacy of YIDA activities. I am therefore requesting that you meet with representatives of Community First! Development Coalition as soon as possible. Please let me know when you are available to meet. My personal e-mail address is
XXXXXXX@hotmail.com. Best Regards, Deirdre Hoare Community First! Development Coalition cc: Martin McGloin, Co-founder, Community First! Development Coalition John Larkin, President, Nepera Park-Grey Oaks Neighborhood Association

any response yet from the request to meet?
As of Today March 16th. No Response at all.
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